To blog or not to blog? - a question answered

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
I've been thinking about starting a blog since the end of last year, but did not act on it. I just did not have faith that it was something that God wanted me to do. I've learned (and especially through the last year) that when I listen to and follow His plans and purposes for me and others, what I do, then bears fruit. We can be very busy but not achieving much through this busyness. I didn't want to waste time. And in any case there are probably hundreds of other blogs and bloggers which and who are saying the same things that I want to say and also in a more captivating way. But the idea kept hovering around and "just for fun" I registered a blog and played around with a few templates. Then, not long ago, a trusted friend who did not know what I was contemplating, forwarded the following devotional from the work of Henri Nouwen

Making our lives available to Others
One of the arguments we often use for not writing is this:"I have nothing original to say. Whatever I might say, someone else has already said it, and better than I will ever be able to." This however, is not a good argument for not writing. Each human person is unique and original, and nobody has lived what we have lived. Furthermore, what we have lived, we have lived not just for ourselves but for others as well. Writing can be a very creative and invigorating way to make our lives available to ourselves and others. We have to trust that our stories deserve to be told. We may discover that the better we tell our stories the better we will want to live them.

Hmm... This spoke right into my heart. This was not the only thing that brought me to faith though. There were words and encouragements and circumstances along the way that slowly increased my faith to do this but this was my point of clarity (as a friend likes to say). So let the blogging begins. The struggle for now is to keep resting in Him and His love while making my life available to others in this way. But more about that later ...


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